Wayward Son

By Dabeagle


Chapter 10

“You stink. All of you. There isn't enough Febreeze in the world to get rid of the stink of imp,” Woolcott sniffed. I gazed around the living room and took in the mounds of jumbled items, of which the only item clearly visible was the dining room table upon which Seth was stretched out.

“This place is disgusting, you need a woman's touch,” Aila muttered.

“I've said so many times myself. Are you volunteering? I can show you where I need to be touched,.” Woolcott snickered as he strode across the room.

“Pervert,” She replied.

Defensis Demonicum,” Woolcott intoned as he tapped the repaired armored lawn gnome. It shimmered, twitched and collapsed in a heap of broken bits. “Intolerable,” Woolcott muttered before repeating his incantation in the direction of the armor set, which shimmered and actually did disappear. Woolcott then began to trace his fingers in the air and where his fingers passed, a glowing line appeared, hanging in mid-air. One red, one green, one blue, one orange slowly receded into the walls of the house, shimmering and cracking as though with electricity.

“I knew my girlfriend was a goddess but no one told me she could,” Aila silenced Joel with a kiss.

“I'm going to take him to a spare room and explain things,” she glanced at Joel who was muttering nonsense and smiling at her like a moron. “We'll see how he feels once the healing byproduct wears off. In the meantime though...the sex could be off the charts.” So saying she took him by the hand and headed off down the hall towards Gideon's room.

I glanced at Gideon and then closed my eyes to ward off the strong wave of attraction that hit me. I concentrated for a moment on just breathing to clear my head. I opened my eyes and walked to the table to check on Seth. He looked peaceful, not like he was in the bathroom. His face was relaxed and his breathing was even. I reached out and placed a hand on his forehead and was comforted to know his temperature had dropped.

“Will he be all right?”

“I don't think so.” Gideon replied somberly. “Why don't we go talk, let me heal you.”

“I'm okay.” I replied automatically.

“Cranial trauma is successfully treated only if help is sought immediately. You could have a concussion and should be checked,” Woolcott said primly. “The fact you are already soft in the head not withstanding, of course.”

“Screw,” I was rudely cut off by Gideon yanking on my hand and as I rounded on him he closed my mouth by laying his over it. I stared at him in stunned silence as he slowly withdrew and smiled.

“Now, let me heal you and we'll talk.” He began pulling me back towards his room.

“You kissed me,” I accused as he pulled me along.

“Lube is in the nightstand!” Woolcott called out cheerfully. I flipped him off before turning back toward Gideon, who was pulling me along.

“I know I did,” Gideon responded. He actually smirked at me.

“But...but that's not fair!” I cried out coming to a complete stop outside his door. He turned to face me with curiosity plain on his face.

“How is that not fair?”

“You never gave me even one sign you were interested, you never even said you liked me in any capacity and...and...” I spluttered out at the amused expression on his face.

“And?” he asked.

“It was over really, really fast,” I admitted.

“Are you saying I'm a bad kisser?” His smirk faded into a semi-frown.

“No! No, no, no. Just...I didn't get to...” I wracked my brain for the right words.

“Enjoy it?” He prompted.

“No! I enjoyed it. It was just...I wanted to savor...it,” I said in embarrassment.

“So what you're saying is...you want another one?”

“Um. Yes. If you wanted to be direct about it.”

“Hmm.” He put a hand on his chin as if in contemplation and I rediscovered my balls. I reached out with both hands; one on the side of his head and one slid through his hair behind him and pulled him close. A small smile curled his lips before I lost sight of them and mine met his. Soft and pliant, firm and warm. His mouth parted and I eagerly copied him. He stepped into me and put a hand behind my head...and then I stepped off the planet.

I'm not talking some corny 'and the earth moved' nonsense. I mean my head, my body, my soul was suddenly filled with Gideon. I felt him slipping through my brain, my scalp tingled as he passed through me and I felt my bones sing to his tune. It felt like his kiss had extended through me, past the physical and into the metaphysical. It literally felt like our souls were kissing.

I became conscious of my feet descending and making contact with the floor and then I became more aware of Gideon's hands holding me to him, of my head on his shoulder and a peace that was like waking up on the first day of a vacation when nothing but possibilities exist. I was dimly aware of my arms sliding up his sides and meeting behind him, holding him close. My fingers moved in a ceaseless rhythm, caressing his back. I felt his hands, one on the back of my head and running his fingers through the hair on the back of my head. The other was at the top of my back, one thumb idly caressing the base of my neck. I shivered.

“Was that better?” he asked.

“Shh,” I replied as I continued to stroke his back. We stood like that in silence for I don't know how long. I breathed in his clean scent and reveled in the warmth of his closeness. That's when the screams brought it all to a sudden stop.

Gideon jumped and I gave a tired sigh as I reluctantly let him go.

“What the hell?” Gideon asked as he turned to look down the hallway. I stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

“Joel's a screamer.”

Gideon looked at me for at least ten seconds with a dumbfounded expression, then burst out laughing. I grinned at him a bit as tears came to his eyes and he slung an arm across my shoulders and opened the door to his room. We walked in and he flopped into his chair still giggling about Joel. I sat on the edge of his bed and tried to hold the gossamer threads of his amazing kiss. I ran my fingers through my hair, retracing where his hands had been on the back of my head and realized the wound in back was gone.

“You healed me?” I questioned.

“Yeah,” he smiled sheepishly, “I figured since you said the first one was too short I should make the second one memorable.”

“It was. But healing me at the same time, that was cheating. You know how it affects people.”

“No, it was using every advantage I had.” He grinned back at me.

“Advantage?” I asked.

“Sure. I had to make sure I blew Joel's kiss out of the water.” He smirked.

“But,” I held my hands out in confusion.

“Look, I had an unfair advantage. I knew where you stood and you didn't really know where I was. Honestly I wasn't totally sure myself.” He glanced away and licked his lips as he gathered his words. “You've seen a lot. Anyone I could possibly have any kind of a relationship with has to take that as part of who and what I am. Seeing the way you reacted with Seth, seeing how Joel came running for us and told us you specifically told him to get us...it tells me you totally get this.” He smiled at me, relaxed, happy. “You get me.”

“I do?” I smiled. “I can deal with that.” I walked over to him and touched his face and leaned in for one more small kiss. Breaking away from a kiss that was as gentle as the previous had been life consuming. I gazed into his warm brown eyes and nodded, “Yes, I can definitely deal with that.”

Joel screamed again. Gideon tilted his head in concern, “Are you sure that...”

“Do you really want to open the door to find out?”

“Well...Joel isn't that bad looking...”

“Are you trying to make me jealous? And besides, Aila will be naked too.”

“What do you have to be jealous about? And you didn't say Joel wasn't attractive. Do you think he is?” Gideon asked.

“Of course I do, but he's like a brother.” I frowned, “An annoying, smelly, should have been drowned at birth little brother.”

Gideon chuckled. “Well, as long as you're not concerned for his safety.”

“Hardly.” I sat back down and regarded him soberly. “What about Seth?”

“Well, that's a mood killer.”

“And talking about Joel isn't?”

“I told you, he's attractive.” Gideon shrugged. “Although in an impersonal, online porn kind of way.”

I covered my face, “Please never tell him that. His ego would explode all over town.” I lowered my hand and looked into his eyes, “And can I say it is totally not sexy to hear you talk about him after kissing me?”

“Can I make it up to you? Maybe kiss you in front of him?” He smiled mischievously.

“You can kiss me anytime, as long as I'm the only one you're kissing.” I held a finger up as he opened his mouth to reply, “And you cannot kiss me in front of Aila because she wishes it.”

“So...as long as I don't kiss anyone else, I can kiss you anytime I want as long as Aila doesn't see?”

I nodded and smiled at him.

“Hmm,” He rubbed his chin. “I guess I'll have to cope.” I moved to him and sat down in his lap, wrapping an arm around his neck.

“Now, what about Seth?”

“That's not going to be easy,” Gideon sighed while running his hand up and down my spine. “He's nephilim too. I don't understand why there are so many in this town...”

“You said something in the bathroom about him not being trained?”

“Yeah, he wasn't instructed.” Gideon confirmed.

“This is a bad thing, apparently. Could something like that happen to you?” I asked.

“Not that specifically. See talents begin to show early in our kind, normally before puberty. The energy has to be channeled and controlled, shaped or it slowly eats us from the inside out.”

“So...Seth's dying?” I whispered.

“Yes.” Gideon sighed, “He's beyond my talent. Healing gives me a pretty fair window into someone's health and I did what I could for him, but it's not enough to save him.”

“There has to be something we can do.” I muttered.

“We'll check with Woolcott, he may have an idea or two. We'll need to wake Seth too, get as much information as we can.”

“Well, we better get started,” I said standing up.

“No,” he took my hand to stop me. “Seth has to rest and...Aila and Joel are...”

“Don't say it.”

“Okay,” he smiled.

“So what then?”

“We get a bit of rest, a short nap maybe. I'm tired from the healing.” He stood up and stretched, then toed off his sneakers and lay down on his bed. I stared at him, sexy without even trying. He held a hand out to me and I took my shoes off and lay next to him, on my back. He put his head on my chest and rested a hand on my stomach.

“I've wanted to do this for a little while now,” he confessed. I ran my fingers through his hair.


“Yep. I am so glad that you accept all this and still are interested.” He hesitated and then plunged forward, “I didn't want to say anything, start something without knowing if you could deal. If you walked away after something started...”

“Yeah, I think I get that. I'm not going anywhere.” I gave a sudden start. “Oh shit, school. They'll report us missing!”

“Relax,” Gideon yawned, “Having a sorcerer around can be handy sometimes.”

I drifted off without realizing it and awoke to the sound of Gideon's soft breathing. The door opened and Woolcott poked his head in. He grinned insolently and I stuck my tongue out at him.

“He sleeps!” Woolcott stage whispered. “Doesn't happen much, or when it does it isn't well. Regardless, he can have five more minutes but we need to meet in ten at the table. We'll discuss what comes next over pizza.”

With that he was gone. I was a little surprised he didn't make a loud noise or something to rudely wake Gideon, but I couldn't come up with a decent reason why that would be. I continued to stroke Gideon's soft brown hair and listen to his breathing as I watched the clock. At eight minutes I decided I'd better not run the risk of going over the ten minute mark, as Woolcott would probably do something more in line with my expectations of him.

“Gideon?” I spoke softly.

“What?” he replied.

“Woolcott wants us out in the living room to plan.”

“I know, has it been ten minutes?”

“Um, almost. How long have you been awake?” I asked suspiciously.

“Just before he opened the door.”

“Why didn't you say anything?”

“I liked you stroking my hair. It was...relaxing. I was enjoying the moment.”

I remained silent and continued to stroke his hair. Hell with the ten minute mark.

Eventually we did go out to the table, where pizza waited as promised. Aila looked disheveled but pleased with herself and Joel looked...screw Joel.

“Well, I know this isn't a pleasant discussion, but we'll need a place for Seth to go.” Woolcott stated as he sat down and shoved most of a slice in his mouth.

“His mom doesn't seem to understand what's going on,” I remarked.

“Irrelevant, I'm sure she wouldn't keep his corpse for sentimental reasons.”

“Corpse? Wait, you want to let him die and, what, hide his body?” I exclaimed.

“Well, it can't be found, now can it? Imagine what modern science would make of his internals. Next thing you know there will be a television event hosted by Geraldo Rivera, they'll call it the 'Autopsy of an Angel'. Oh, it'll be a ratings smash I assure you.”

“We can't just let him die!”

“We'll do what we can but...Woolcott is right, we need a backup plan at least.”

“Gideon...he can't be saved.” Woolcott sighed, “You are the strongest healer we have access to and that not inconsiderable talent just can't fix him.”

“What about Gideon's father?” I asked.

“What about him?” Gideon frowned.

“Aila said your healing comes from him, so maybe he'd be strong enough to heal Seth?”

“Maybe, only a few problems, Daniel.” Aila held her hand up and ticked off the reasons on her fingers. “First we don't know who his father is and second we don't know where he is.”

“Can't your father help us find out?” I asked her.

“Well,” her face colored and she broke eye contact, “He doesn't come around much. I don't think he'd help.”

“What else can we do?” I asked in desperation. Woolcott sat quietly and ate, not even so much as smacking his lips or shoving down whole slices at a time.

“What do you know? What aren't you telling us?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Have you forgotten there is a war on?” he asked mildly.

“He's an innocent bystander. If you allow people to be hurt like that for your cause, then it isn't one I want to support.” I glared at him. Gideon shifted next to me and nodded at Woolcott.

“He's right, issues like this define us and what we stand for. It might not be convenient or even the wisest course, but it is the right course. What can you tell us?”

Woolcott sat and chewed his pizza and glanced around the room. He glanced over at Seth, still mired in his magical sleep and snorted. “This is a mistake. You're risking an awful lot to save him.”

The room remained silent as Woolcott finished his slice and fixed Gideon with a stern look. “This is your choice, are you sure?”

“Yes,” Gideon replied without hesitation.

“All right. In biblical writings he is known as the Archangel Raphael, and every definition of his name includes healing of some kind. In Hebrew it means 'God Heals' or 'It is God that heals'. He is so powerful in these arts that he appears in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.” He smiled at Gideon and myself, “Curiously he's also the patron saint of lovers.”

“Seth mentioned Raphael,” I replied firmly to get him back on track.

“You are particularly strong because your mother was nephilim as well, a most unusual pairing. Unfortunately nephilim have severe problems giving birth and your mother...she didn't survive.” Woolcott sighed deeply and looked away from the eyes in the room. “It was she that gave you your name, she wished that you would be a great warrior.”

“How is it I never knew any of this?” Gideon asked.

“As you know, many things are different for the nephilim. One such is the parentage, as you never live with the angelic parent, they never stay. Discovering them, finding them for yourselves is part of becoming who you are.”

“That's bullshit. He should have been there for me, especially if my mother...died.”

“In that event he may have, but he could not,” Woolcott sighed deeply. “He fought bitterly with the angel who is your grandfather on your mothers side and lost. He was imprisoned and only another angel can undo such bonds.”

“Maybe we should try to find my father then,” Aila suggested. Woolcott turned heavy eyes to her and shook his head slowly. Aila's eyes grew wide, “No. No you can't mean...”

“Raphael was imprisoned by your father, Michael. I think perhaps it may be why Michael put you and your mother so close to Gideon, you are family to a point.”

Aila turned to Gideon with a stricken look, “Gideon, I didn't know.”

“It's not your fault Ai,” he whispered. I put an arm around him and pulled him into me for comfort. Joel raised an eyebrow but I ignored him.

“What's left then? Where do we turn?”' Gideon whispered.

“The only thing I can think of...well angels are rather partial to their offspring despite appearances. I very much doubt that whomever fathered Seth would approve of his current state. I'd find out who he is first, and then...then I'll take you to meet someone who may have some information.”

“I don't think Seth knows who his father is, from what he said in the bathroom,” I told them.

“One person does, and she's allowed this to happen to him,” Gideon growled and shadows wafted from his eyes.

I called my parents to let them know I was with my friends. My mother answered the phone and only let me go if I promised to bring Gideon to lunch Saturday. I told her I'd try. In the meantime I'd convinced the group that Aila should go with me to see Seth's mother. Gideon had protested angrily; I think he was ready to do some serious damage to her. Truth, I was pretty salty myself. Seth had it kind of rough; shit being in High School was like a feeding frenzy as it was. Having your mother be zany off the charts kind of makes it seem like your bleeding in the shark tank.

“Gideon...” I sighed. “Look, his mom already knows me so I'm a logical choice. But since she's a religious wingnut if you show up with shadows floating from your eyes she'd going to think the devil is on her doorstep and we won't get anything.”

“I can control it,” He said through gritted teeth. If anything the room grew darker. I put a hand on his cheek and smiled at him.

“Remember that I get it. I get you. Let me help.” His head tilted a fraction into my hand and he relented.

“You can't go alone, we don't know how much she really knows.” He stated firmly.

“Yeah, you're right. Aila should go with me. If a display of power becomes necessary, she should respond better to light than dark.” I replied while nodding at Aila. Her eyes flashed briefly, barely controlled rage evident.

“Ai,” Gideon said softly. Aila's gaze drifted to Gideon. “Take care of my boyfriend.”

Joel smiled stupidly at me and I felt the edges of my mouth curling in response. He turned to Aila and kissed her deeply. “Bring my best friend back safe.”

“What? No telling me to be careful?” Aila grumped at Joel.

“Who is going to stand in your way?” Joel laughed. Aila smirked at him a little and he leaned in again to kiss her and whisper in her ear. She blushed. Oh. My. God. I didn't know Aila could blush. I shudder to think what Joel had said to cause that reaction.

“Gideon, Joel should probably go home,” I muttered.

“Yes, by all means. Not only do you need something to do but my home isn't a whorehouse. At least it isn't unless I get a cut of the proceeds.” Woolcott smiled. “Besides, he's far too pretty to be left alone with you after one of your healings. I may need to go out for a time myself.”

A collective 'eww' pervaded the room to Woolcott's delight, undoubtedly his intention.

“I'm not kidding Gideon, get him out or I may make use of him,” He winked lewdly at Joel, “Any port in a storm you know.”

“Gideon, Home. Now please. Now, now, now.” Joel crossed the room quickly to Gideon's side which caused us to burst out laughing, a tension breaker.

“I'll see you back here,” Gideon told me. He then turned to Joel and embraced him as the shadows gathered, swirled and covered them.

“That's my ass!” Joel yelled out as the shadows became so dense they were lost to view and then they were gone.

“He better not have grabbed his ass if I couldn't watch,” Aila huffed as she stepped up to me. “Where does Seth live?”

I described the location and she nodded in acknowledgment before pulling me to her. “In my arms at last, Danny!” she laughed as her eyes blazed and in a flash of light we were in front of Seth's house.

The street was quiet, like many residential side streets. Televisions glowed in the early evening of the sleepy block. The porch light was off at Seth's house, but wavering lights could be seen from within. With a quick glance at Aila I walked up the steps and pushed the doorbell. The house remained still and silent, the internal light flickering as a guttering candle might. I was reaching for the doorbell again when, just like my first visit, a shadow materialized behind the gauzy curtain covering the window set in the door.

“Daniel.” Seth's mother intoned. She looked awful. Strands of her hair had escaped her tightly wound bun and her face looked drawn and tired.

“Good evening Mrs. Robichaud,” I replied.

“If you're looking for Seth, I'm afraid he's not well. You'll have to come back another time.” Her face, if possible, became even more tightly drawn.

“Yes ma'am, I know he's sick. He collapsed at school today.” I replied. Her eyes half closed and she muttered what may have been a quick prayer. “I'm actually here to speak to you.”

“To me?” she asked in a dazed voice.

“Yes ma'am. We're very worried for Seth. You may not know our friend here, Aila,” I said while waving to her. Seth's mother glanced at Aila with a glazed expression.

“Aila. Do you know what your name means child?” Seth's mother asked.

“Yes ma'am. It means light bearer.”

“Your parents were right to give you such a name, it fits you.” She slowly shifted her gaze from Aila and back to me.

“May we speak with you a moment, Mrs. Robichaud?”

“Please come in. But not for long, Seth is sick.” She murmured as she turned from the door. Aila and I stepped in and left our shoes at the door. Seth's mother didn't bother looking at our socks, she simply drifted to the kitchen with us in tow. She had a pot of water on the stove and offered us tea, which we both declined.

“I've been praying, you see. Since Seth got sick. The tea helps to calm me and renew my efforts.” her shoulders slumped slightly, “I fear for him, Daniel. I fear my prayers will not be answered in the way I hope.”

I shared a concerned glance with Aila and then turned my attention back to my task. “Mrs. Robichaud,” I halted. I couldn't just ask about his dad, could I? We didn't have a lot of time but if I just jumped to that it could throw her so far off the rails we might not get any information. She also obviously didn't know where Seth was or that we knew as much as we did.

“Ma'am, what's wrong with Seth?” I asked instead.

“It's divine will, Daniel. I'm being punished by watching my only child wither on the vine. Punished for my not fearing where angels tread. I don't understand why he has to suffer so; but that too must be because of my pride.” she shuddered. All we could see was her back, but the movement of her body indicated tears.

“I was terrified, what could I do? All of this was predetermined, a punishment for my transgressions, but he shouldn't have to suffer so much.” She turned to face us with tears heavy in her eyes and streaking down her cheeks.

“Mrs. Robichaud, I don't understand.” I said to her with my hands held out in question.

“It's Miss. Miss Robichaud.” She said quietly. “Seth's father and I never...” she fell silent, slumping onto a stool. “It's part of it, you see. His punishment.”

“Miss Robichaud...who is Seth's father?” I asked. “Does he know how sick Seth is?”

“Yes, I'm sure he knew from the start,” She said bitterly. “All the study, all the biblical warning and trying to prevent this very situation was in vain. 'The devil can quote scripture for his purpose',” she muttered as her gaze drifted down to her table. She stood on unsteady legs and moved back to the counter for her tea cup.

I decided to keep secret that I knew Seth to have angelic parentage, it seemed that if I revealed that to her she'd suspect even more. Instead I decided to lead her down this path she'd chosen, slowly revealing what she thought was happening. I only hoped it wasn't costing Seth time we could never have back.

“What did his father know? Who is his father ma'am?” I asked metering my speech to mask my impatience with her. She turned slowly with pain filled eyes and my heart softened for her in the slightest. Aila remained mute for her part, but I could feel the tension rolling off her in waves.

“You were asking about angels the last time you were here. My son? He never had a chance. I tried to teach him. I thought if he were properly devout mercy might be shown...” her voice drifted off again. She was rambling and getting a straight answer from her wasn't going to be easy.

“Ma'am,” I began but she suddenly rumbled to life, her gaze fixing me in place with the gleam of the sorrowful zealot.

“I was vain! I was so vain,” she moved restlessly in the small room. She'd lift her cup, then set it down again without drinking, gesturing and then lifting the cup again. “I thought myself so beautiful! I grew my hair long and combed it free of tangles every night.” Her hand strayed up to the fraying bun on her head as if remembering.

“It was soft and long and I was so prideful of it. So many boys would comment on it, how it glowed. It's luster. It's silky feel.” She continued to murmur and I glanced at Aila who seemed to be on the verge of screaming at the woman. I put a hand on her arm and turned back to the distraught woman.

“I never thought my pride was so bad, I thought it so small. But then I met him. He was so beautiful, too beautiful for a man. To beautiful to be human and I should have seen then. But I was prideful, so prideful.” She murmured. “He courted me with compliments, promises. He knew so much about the bible and it's passages that he even convinced me that my pride was justifiable. How could one so knowledgeable be so wrong I had thought.

“But he betrayed that, all of it. He made me with child. I panicked, what was I to do?” she waved her hands, reliving the moment. “I was too young for children and yet there was nothing I could do to not have it; it was unthinkable! I begged him to marry me and he laughed, so cruel, so evil. He revealed himself to me, waves of pure light and joy and I could feel it! I could feel it moving through me, heavy waves crashing upon my soul and I felt lifted! I felt as if the eyes of God were on me!” she broke down in a bitter sob, shaking her head.

“And he was. God's eyes were on me, but in judgment. In my pride he had sent to me this vision of ethereal beauty who took my maidenhead and planted a seed in me. I was defiled!” She cried out, dropping her tea cup which shattered on the floor. She seemed not to notice as her wild eyes locked with mine.

“God had sent Lucifer to me. He in turn planted his seed, that which became Seth. I knew from the beginning, when he was born so beautiful. So radiant. I knew he was cursed. I knew I was cursed. My sole mission was to save him, but maybe God saw through that; saw I was only trying to save myself.”

“Once Seth dies, my sin will be cleansed. Lucifer the Light Bringer, his stain will be gone.” The fever in her eyes showed the madness roiling within, how corrupted the mind underneath had become. Now I understood how she could be so cold to her child, her methods of seeking salvation. The woman was broken.

“Can't you see? My child...my only son, a bastard, is the son of the devil himself. All hope is lost.”

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